
National Coming Out Day was today, no one I know came out (everyone I know who is gay is out already.. I think). Big news on the business front Google is buying youTube for $1.6 billion. I actually like Google Video myself but thats just me.

PS Since Google is in a buying mood, I'm announcing that Empty Words for Empty Minds is for sale! For only $160,000 it's a steal for Google or any one else with deep pockets. I'll even throw in my services for one year. (By services I mean I will do anything that is legal and of a non sexual basis... well we can negotiate on the sex part!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can buy Late Night with Conan O'Brian for $44,000 you better come down a little! I'll give you $30,000. My house needs painting and you can go t my job at Wal=Mart for the next year!