
Can’t Keep Quiet!: "6/1/2005
President Jeb?

Not only no, but hell no!

Pappa Bush told Larry King that Jeb Bush would make an “awfully good” president. (CNN)

According to G. H.W. Bush,

“This guy’s smart, big and strong. Makes the decisions. And you know, not without controversy, but he’s led that state.”

Well, he’s big all right. I’m not so sure about smart and strong.

As a resident of Florida, I can tell you that Governor Jeb has done a lousy job. He’s ignored Sunshine Laws and held private policy meetings. Citizens in this state have had to get amendments placed on the ballots to try and get things done by this administration. Twice, Jeb has come back and basically said that the stupid voters didn’t know what they were voting on. Once he’s succeeded in that task. He keeps trying to get the Class Size Amendment over turned but has yet to be able to do so."

President Jeb... come on you know they are going to try... don't let them!

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