To all of the Heroes who came out of the woodwork, I would like to give you a belated... THANK YOU!
The shock has started to wear off and people are angry about what happened and are pointing the finger at anyone who could possibly be blamed. As a hard core Dem I find myself in the strange position of defending Bush from those who are now blaming him (see here). Don't get me wrong I don't agree with everything written in the article but it does have a few good points and examples. Every past and present state and federal politician needs to look at their record and decide if they did enough. You as the citizen who elects them needs to look at their records and let your voices be heard. What ever happened here in Minneapolis at the 35W bridge (and in New Orleans) did not just happen in the last four, eight or even twelve years it has been decades of neglect, poor planning and lack of funds that is at fault.
Some 35W collapse photo's that you might not have seen. These are up close and in the wreckage.
This weekend is usually one of my favorite weekends of the summer. (At least it has been for the last 15 yrs since I moved out of uptown.) This weekend is the Uptown Art Fair combined with two other major art fairs and the Fringe Festival. It is a weekend for every man/woman to get out and appreciate art in all it's forms. This year in the back of my (and I would bet most everyones) mind will be those who have been lost, hurt or are unknown.
edited:8/3/07 10:15pm for grammar (I should not write when I'm tired)
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