
Damn it's a little dusty around here...

Ok folks (like anyone is gonna actually read this after a three month poof, but here goes) I'm back. My DSL arrived yesterday and here I am. I had a lot of funny pic's and comments stored up but they all seem way to stale now. I even thought about tossing in the towel on this blog and starting new. But it's way to long in the works, so I'll just start plodding along with the pic's and stuff.

So whats new, well Carrie the wife has a new job taking care of squishies or at least that is what she calls them. Squishies are babies, you know those little versions of you and I that we all hope turn out better than we did even though they have the disadvantage of your illegal drug/alcohol/prescription drug/environmentally poisoned polluted genes and mental instability. I on the other hand have chosen to embark on a great new adventure, I'm headed back to school )after fourteen years) to get my MBA and working through a temp agency for spending change. Till later, cya.

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