
This little story was prompted by waiterrant!

Server/urban legend I thought till it happened to me. Working late one New Years Eve, I had stayed late at the hotel to help the banquet staff clean up. In the process I spilled/dumped a large quantity of various left over drinks on me and my shoes. It's two am and I'm heading home and what do I see before me but a sobriety check point. The only drink I had that night was a quick glass of champ shared with a few other managers to ring in the New Year. Knowing I was sober I felt only a mild wave of panic. Once I rolled down the window I could actually hear the cop sniffing the air and poof... I'm prancing along side of the car doing the drunken pony show. I tried to explain why I smelt like Norm on a weekend drunk but... well they had heard that before. Three cops, two pony shows and finally a request for a breathalyzer earned me a warning to bring a change of clothes next time! To this day, in my trunk, is an extra set of beat around clothes, just in case!

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