Ex-teacher admits sex with boy, goes to jail - Friday, 08/12/05: "The incident at Centertown Elementary occurred in early November during an open gym session, when Rogers took the boy into a nearby classroom and performed oral sex, according to details from Potter and an interview with Hale."
WTF??? She is gorgous and could walk in any bar and get laid. Where were the teachers like her when I was a kid? Seriously though, she received nine months in jail? Any man facing the same charges would be going away for years not months! This woman has to have some mental health issues, I can only hope she gets some help.
Dear blogger,
I beg to disagree that this sexy young "teach" has any mental problems.
Societal lies have deceived us to feel guilty over our sexual passions. Once you have attained puberty, you could seduce or be seduced and laid more out of being anxious and curious than anything else. From 10 to 100, if you are alive and well, you are an active sex mate. In Africa, you could have fun with anyone from puberty; male or female. Like when Bill Clinton was harassed and embarrassed over Monica "sexy" Lewinsky, we laughed at the naivety and immaturity and hypocrisy and stupidity of Americans. Because, in Nigeria, that was no news. Our President has wives and mistresses and that is his business. As long as his escapades don't distract him from his official duties, he can have fun.
When, I was only 12, my primary school teacher had a passion for me. She was just 21 and I did not do it, because of my fear of God as a Christian. Otherwise, I would have enjoyed every opportunity to learn from her. That teacher is being jailed for giving her pupil practical lessons in sex education.
It is not fair.
This happened not too far from me. I think it's disgusting that she got off so easily (no pun intended LOL). I agree, I hope she gets some help.
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