Twisted:strained or wrenched out of normal shape. News, comments, pictures, videos and rants on any and all subjects including my life. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS & FEEDBACK.
Japan Today - News - Singapore to have world's first toilet college - Japan's Leading International News Network: "Sunday, August 28, 2005 at 07:00 JST
SINGAPORE — The Singapore-based World Toilet Organization is setting up the world's first toilet college"
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore police handcuffed and locked up a U.S. citizen for bringing 58 pornographic DVDs and video CDs into the wealthy city-state when he moved to Singapore last year, a newspaper reported Thursday.
Singapore, get arrested for chewing gum or possessing porn but go to college for Toilets... must be hell working in their tourist industry.
SINGAPORE — The Singapore-based World Toilet Organization is setting up the world's first toilet college"
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore police handcuffed and locked up a U.S. citizen for bringing 58 pornographic DVDs and video CDs into the wealthy city-state when he moved to Singapore last year, a newspaper reported Thursday.
Singapore, get arrested for chewing gum or possessing porn but go to college for Toilets... must be hell working in their tourist industry.

PS Carrie gets to come home tomorrow... we hope!
CBS News | Anti-War Mom Opposition Mounting | August 21, 2005�00:30:04: "A Utah television station is refusing to air an anti-war ad featuring Cindy Sheehan...a national sales representative for KTVX, a local ABC affiliate, rejected the ad in an e-mail to media buyers, writing that it was an "inappropriate commercial advertisement for Salt Lake City... the station's owner, Clear Channel Communications Inc."
If ABC which is owned by Disney and Clear Channel which owns the station wish to stick their heads up their ass, it's their right. Just like it's my right to call for a boycott of ABC/Disney and Clear Channel.
If ABC which is owned by Disney and Clear Channel which owns the station wish to stick their heads up their ass, it's their right. Just like it's my right to call for a boycott of ABC/Disney and Clear Channel.
Oddly Enough News Article | "By Dan Whitcomb
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - More than a week after a man-sized alligator stunned authorities by surfacing in a murky Los Angeles lake, the fugitive reptile has already become a folk hero in the gritty neighborhood where he continues to outwit wranglers and elude capture."
Check the sewers!
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - More than a week after a man-sized alligator stunned authorities by surfacing in a murky Los Angeles lake, the fugitive reptile has already become a folk hero in the gritty neighborhood where he continues to outwit wranglers and elude capture."
Check the sewers!
MSNBC - News of the Weird: "Fetish du Jour: In July in Exeter, England, Paul Pennington pleaded guilty to engaging in sexual activity in a public restroom, while incidentally dressed in a baby diaper, bib and girl's dress and carrying a baby bottle (but also wearing a stuffed bra). And Sean Kelly, 35, was arrested in Sebastian, Fla., in July, and charged with fraudulently attempting to obtain health-care services after he showed up at a clinic complaining of back pain but dressed in a baby diaper (which he eventually 'loaded,' demanding a change). And Calvin Milo Alvarez, 30, was arrested in Fayetteville, Ark., in May on a child pornography charge after he was found by police, arguing with another man at an apartment house, with Alvarez dressed in a baby diaper and bleeding from the mouth. [Western Daily Press, 7-15-05] [Vero Beach Press-Journal, 7-10-05] [Northwest Arkansas Times (Fayetteville), 5-10-05]"
Bad babies, bad babies what you gonna do when the cops come for you... Again I say WTF? Adult babies, this time going to jail.
Bad babies, bad babies what you gonna do when the cops come for you... Again I say WTF? Adult babies, this time going to jail.
First Sign You Watch Too Much Sports
I was wondering why every time I went over to a buddies house the batteries where missing from the remote, now I know.
I was wondering why every time I went over to a buddies house the batteries where missing from the remote, now I know.
Breaking News!!!
I'm home... as in Minneapolis. Carrie had to go the emergency room Tuesday morning, her leg had become infected, again. It's a pretty bad and agressive infection but they think things will be alright. They cut my training short and sent me home so I could be with my wife, shows you what a good company is all about. Start full-time friday at the new hotel. Back to the hospital I go, c-ya.
I'm home... as in Minneapolis. Carrie had to go the emergency room Tuesday morning, her leg had become infected, again. It's a pretty bad and agressive infection but they think things will be alright. They cut my training short and sent me home so I could be with my wife, shows you what a good company is all about. Start full-time friday at the new hotel. Back to the hospital I go, c-ya.

I had a one night stand on Saturday... ssshhhh don't tell my wife! Actually Carrie's cousin Alison and her band where playing in Eau Claire, WI. about an hour and a half from where I'm at so I met Carrie there! We grabbed a hotel room after the show... nuff said. From bottom to top...
1. Carrie and I, I love her new short hair.
2. Alison and the band (Shot On Goal), the guy on the right is Alison's fiancee, Keith.
3.Girls dancing... where are the guys?
5. Today after work I ran up Rib Mountain, which overlooks the western half of Wausau, WI.

Ex-teacher admits sex with boy, goes to jail - Friday, 08/12/05: "The incident at Centertown Elementary occurred in early November during an open gym session, when Rogers took the boy into a nearby classroom and performed oral sex, according to details from Potter and an interview with Hale."
WTF??? She is gorgous and could walk in any bar and get laid. Where were the teachers like her when I was a kid? Seriously though, she received nine months in jail? Any man facing the same charges would be going away for years not months! This woman has to have some mental health issues, I can only hope she gets some help.
The Martian Anthropologist: Cindy Sheehan: The Rosa Parks of the Anti-War Movement!
I was going to write a rant about Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a fallen soldier who is sitting outside the Bush"always on vacation" Ranch but the Martian Anthropologist did such a good job I will just link back to it.
I was going to write a rant about Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a fallen soldier who is sitting outside the Bush"always on vacation" Ranch but the Martian Anthropologist did such a good job I will just link back to it.
Oddly Enough News Article | "'Our shop is closed because all our beer has been sold out,' said a message on the abbey's answering machine, which it calls the 'beer phone.'"
Brandy, wine, champ and beer, monks make great brewmasters. What is it about god and seclusion with other males that drives holymen to brew liquor?
Brandy, wine, champ and beer, monks make great brewmasters. What is it about god and seclusion with other males that drives holymen to brew liquor?

Lee `crazy in love` with Pam - "'We're crazy in love. We're going to take things slowly and see where they go,'"
Where they go is to jail... this couple need to realize that yes they love each other but that they are no good for each other. They are fire and gasoline, eventually there is an explosion.

Woman takes home bratwurst-eating crown: "Thomas, known as The Black Widow on the competitive-eating circuit, downed 35 bratwursts in 10 minutes Saturday at the first Johnsonville Brat-Eating World Championship."
I thought the IFOCE or international Federation of Competitive Eating was a joke when I first heard of it but OMG, it's true. Even more incredible is the 98 pound Black Widow.
Inbreeding, Beer, Auston, TX., prison, cheating spouses, dying mothers... thats right I went to a country music concert tonight!
It's time for the Valley Fair in Wausau, and after a few really messed up days it's good to blow off some steam. The fair was a dud but the concert was pretty good. Had a few beers afterward at the local Buffalo Wild Wings. I know I should find a more local place but with the fair the police are out in force and I didn't want to chance driving after drinking. BW2 is between the Fair grounds and the hotel so... Otherwise things are good on my end, I just miss my wife and life, two weeks and counting till I go home.
It's time for the Valley Fair in Wausau, and after a few really messed up days it's good to blow off some steam. The fair was a dud but the concert was pretty good. Had a few beers afterward at the local Buffalo Wild Wings. I know I should find a more local place but with the fair the police are out in force and I didn't want to chance driving after drinking. BW2 is between the Fair grounds and the hotel so... Otherwise things are good on my end, I just miss my wife and life, two weeks and counting till I go home.

Monroe's sex talk revealed | North America | Breaking News 24/7 - (06-08-2005): "standing naked in front of full-length mirrors to examine her own body, she says: 'My breasts are beginning to sag. ... My waist isn't bad. My ass is what it should be, the best there is. ... OK, Marilyn, you have it all there.'"
Sleeping with my wife: "Sleeping with my wife
Yonkel and Sarah are traveling by car from Miami to Boston.
After almost twenty-four hours on the road, they're too tired to continue and they decide to stop for a rest. They stopped at a nice hotel and take a room, but they only planned to sleep for about four hours and then get back on the road.
When they check out four hours later, the desk clerk hands them a bill for $350. Yonkel explodes and demands to know why the charge is so high.
He tells the clerk although it's a nice hotel, the rooms certainly aren't worth $350. When the clerk tells him $350 is the standard rate, the man insists on speaking to the manager.
The manager listens to the man and then explains the hotel has an Olympic-sized pool and a huge conference center that were available for Yonkel and his wife to use. He also explains they could have taken in one of the shows for which the hotel is famous.
'The best entertainers from New York, Hollywood and Las Vegas perform here,' explains the manager.
No matter what facility the manager mentions, Yonkel replies, 'But we didn't use it. We just used the room !'
'It was here and you could have!' exclaims the manager
Realizing the manager is not going to concede, Yonkel gives up and pays the manager for the room.
He writes a check and hands it to him.
The manager is surprised when he looks at the check. 'But sir,' he says, 'this check is only made out for $100.'
'That's right,' says Yonkel. 'I charged you $250 for sleeping with my wife.'
'But I didn't!' exclaims the manager.
'Well,' Yonkel says, 'she was here, and you could have!.'"
Yonkel and Sarah are traveling by car from Miami to Boston.
After almost twenty-four hours on the road, they're too tired to continue and they decide to stop for a rest. They stopped at a nice hotel and take a room, but they only planned to sleep for about four hours and then get back on the road.
When they check out four hours later, the desk clerk hands them a bill for $350. Yonkel explodes and demands to know why the charge is so high.
He tells the clerk although it's a nice hotel, the rooms certainly aren't worth $350. When the clerk tells him $350 is the standard rate, the man insists on speaking to the manager.
The manager listens to the man and then explains the hotel has an Olympic-sized pool and a huge conference center that were available for Yonkel and his wife to use. He also explains they could have taken in one of the shows for which the hotel is famous.
'The best entertainers from New York, Hollywood and Las Vegas perform here,' explains the manager.
No matter what facility the manager mentions, Yonkel replies, 'But we didn't use it. We just used the room !'
'It was here and you could have!' exclaims the manager
Realizing the manager is not going to concede, Yonkel gives up and pays the manager for the room.
He writes a check and hands it to him.
The manager is surprised when he looks at the check. 'But sir,' he says, 'this check is only made out for $100.'
'That's right,' says Yonkel. 'I charged you $250 for sleeping with my wife.'
'But I didn't!' exclaims the manager.
'Well,' Yonkel says, 'she was here, and you could have!.'"

I had a few extra minutes today and so I did a little surfing... Pic is from
(If the pic is too small to read, just click it or follow the big-boys link.)
Bush says he would veto bill easing stem cell rules: "WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Bush said Tuesday that he would veto legislation by Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman and other Republicans who want to relax his 2001 restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
'I made it clear to the United States Congress I took the right position, and we'll veto any bill that doesn't adhere to that stance,' Bush said during a White House meeting with eight regional newspapers, including the Star Tribune. 'They have a prerogative to pass bills, and I have a prerogative to set limits on what I think is right. ..."
The arrogant dictator that Bush is he thinks that he command the world to follow his beliefs. This time he has picked a losing battle... his own party will abandon him. People will do pretty much anything to survive and as recent research has shown, stem cell's may in the near future save the lives of our ever aging pool of political big wigs.
'I made it clear to the United States Congress I took the right position, and we'll veto any bill that doesn't adhere to that stance,' Bush said during a White House meeting with eight regional newspapers, including the Star Tribune. 'They have a prerogative to pass bills, and I have a prerogative to set limits on what I think is right. ..."
The arrogant dictator that Bush is he thinks that he command the world to follow his beliefs. This time he has picked a losing battle... his own party will abandon him. People will do pretty much anything to survive and as recent research has shown, stem cell's may in the near future save the lives of our ever aging pool of political big wigs.
Showbiz | This is London: "Bacall: Cruise is sick
By Richard Simpson, Daily Mail
2 August 2005
Lauren Bacall has attacked Tom Cruise as 'shocking, vulgar and sick' for exploiting his private life to sell his movies.
The 81-year-old Hollywood legend also poured scorn on his acting abilities.
Miss Bacall spoke of her distaste at Cruise's publicising of his relationship with fianc�e Katie Holmes, which conveniently coincided with the launch of his latest film War Of The Worlds.
Bacall: Cruise is sick
His whole behaviour is so shocking,' she told Time magazine.
'It's inappropriate and vulgar and absolutely unacceptable to use your private life to sell anything commercially. I think it's kind of a sickness.'"
By Richard Simpson, Daily Mail
2 August 2005
Lauren Bacall has attacked Tom Cruise as 'shocking, vulgar and sick' for exploiting his private life to sell his movies.
The 81-year-old Hollywood legend also poured scorn on his acting abilities.
Miss Bacall spoke of her distaste at Cruise's publicising of his relationship with fianc�e Katie Holmes, which conveniently coincided with the launch of his latest film War Of The Worlds.
Bacall: Cruise is sick
His whole behaviour is so shocking,' she told Time magazine.
'It's inappropriate and vulgar and absolutely unacceptable to use your private life to sell anything commercially. I think it's kind of a sickness.'"
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