
Stop Horse Slaughter for Human Consumption in the USA.: "Who eats horses? The biggest consumers of horsemeat are France, Italy, Belgium, and Japan. Horsemeat, considered a delicacy, is used as an alternative to beef. "

When I was in the Army way back in the 80's the USA Today ran an article that the US Army suppliers had just started to use horse meat mixed with beef to cut costs. Now I had a cushy office job 60% of the time back then and had read the article before lunch. So guess what we where having at the chow hall for lunch? Hamburgers, I had a salad that day. When I sat down and watched all the guys stuffing the burgers in their mouths I brought the paper out and sat it in the middle of the table. Kolterman picked it up and was the first to read it... he ran from the table gaging, you see Kolterman was raised in Texas and had several horses that he talked about all the time.

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