Oddly Enough News Article | Reuters.com
Workers at the cemetery in Merksem had music playing and their children were running around near the graves, De Morgen newspaper said Wednesday. Gravedigger Willy Wouters told the daily the barbecue -- held yearly -- had never caused trouble before.
When I was in high school a friend of mine who's dad owned a funeral home would have people over to the home for parties. Being that we where underage it was one of the few places we could party/drink without worrying about the police. Most funeral homes have a small apartment where an overnight guy lives, his job is to pick up the bodies when someone dies in the middle of the night. The guy who lived at this funeral home would buy the beer and provide other "refreshments" for us as long as we paid and allowed him to join in the festivities. I know several young ladies who had intimate encounters among the caskets. Kinda creepy now when I look back on it.
Twisted:strained or wrenched out of normal shape. News, comments, pictures, videos and rants on any and all subjects including my life. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS & FEEDBACK.

Shallows at Lake Calhoun. I have not posted a pic for a few days. Things are still the same with Carrie and I. I'm looking for a new job and Carrie has picked up beading as a hobby, she's really good at it. The weather has been a little bit of a mish-mash but mostly hot and humid with a ton of rain.

XBiz - The Industry Source: "“sex” itself still dominates all individual search words, with more than 300,000 surfers every day over a 60-day period submitting queries that contained “sex.”
“Porn” was the number-two individual word, showing up in around 235,000 queries per day.
Other adult-oriented words in the top 10 include “pussy” at number four with 175,000 daily occurrences and “milf” at number six with around 140,000 searches."
What can I say, sex sells! To bad we can't channel all the energy spent in sexual self satisfaction to some good causes like cures for Cancer or Aids. Of course without self satisfaction we may get more cases of Aids and prostate cancer.
“Porn” was the number-two individual word, showing up in around 235,000 queries per day.
Other adult-oriented words in the top 10 include “pussy” at number four with 175,000 daily occurrences and “milf” at number six with around 140,000 searches."
What can I say, sex sells! To bad we can't channel all the energy spent in sexual self satisfaction to some good causes like cures for Cancer or Aids. Of course without self satisfaction we may get more cases of Aids and prostate cancer.
Pinkee's Big Days: "Blogg'd: 'We can only hope that Pinkee�s next destination is a bonfire party on the shores of lake Minitonka.'
We've been getting alot of heat about Pinkee's blog, all I have to say is THANK YOU. Pinkee's blog was done for shits and giggles and I really don't care what you think. From loquacious curmudgeon 'Unless I can find a detailed map of the Loring Park area, and assemble a crack hit team...' bring them on she has 100 stuffed friends to defend her so... good luck! People you take things way to serious. From 3rdtimesacharm'...glossy paged magazine, for all the Teddy Bear people with a Teddy Bear Fetish!' Never heard of the mag and have no intrest in it. My wife collects stuffed animals, mostly those Beany Baby things. She has had Pinkee for 25 years and hopes to pass HER on to our children.
Oh, about tree climbing... 'Tree climbing to avoid bears is popular advice. but not very practical in many settings. All black bears, all grizzly cubs and some adult grizzlies can climb trees if the spacing of the branches is right. Running to a tree may provoke an otherwise uncertain bear to chase you.'"
We've been getting alot of heat about Pinkee's blog, all I have to say is THANK YOU. Pinkee's blog was done for shits and giggles and I really don't care what you think. From loquacious curmudgeon 'Unless I can find a detailed map of the Loring Park area, and assemble a crack hit team...' bring them on she has 100 stuffed friends to defend her so... good luck! People you take things way to serious. From 3rdtimesacharm'...glossy paged magazine, for all the Teddy Bear people with a Teddy Bear Fetish!' Never heard of the mag and have no intrest in it. My wife collects stuffed animals, mostly those Beany Baby things. She has had Pinkee for 25 years and hopes to pass HER on to our children.
Oh, about tree climbing... 'Tree climbing to avoid bears is popular advice. but not very practical in many settings. All black bears, all grizzly cubs and some adult grizzlies can climb trees if the spacing of the branches is right. Running to a tree may provoke an otherwise uncertain bear to chase you.'"
I gouged my eye's out with a mellon baller after watching this, and I think I got off easy! (thanks to Jason Mulgrew for the link)
No Duh!!!
MSNBC - News of the Weird: "# Recent scholarly findings (reduced to their essence in a May Wall Street Journal column): It's much easier to identify someone if he is physically near you than if he is up to 450 feet away (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, February). People who choose their careers carefully, rather than on a whim, experience greater job satisfaction (Journal of Economic Psychology, vol. 26, no.3). College students tend to drink more alcoholic beverages than they realize (Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, April). If patients voluntarily tell a doctor about a bad side effect of a medicine, they are more likely to be switched to a safer one than if they don't (Archives of Internal Medicine, January). [Wall Street Journal, 5-27-05]
MSNBC - News of the Weird: "# Recent scholarly findings (reduced to their essence in a May Wall Street Journal column): It's much easier to identify someone if he is physically near you than if he is up to 450 feet away (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, February). People who choose their careers carefully, rather than on a whim, experience greater job satisfaction (Journal of Economic Psychology, vol. 26, no.3). College students tend to drink more alcoholic beverages than they realize (Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, April). If patients voluntarily tell a doctor about a bad side effect of a medicine, they are more likely to be switched to a safer one than if they don't (Archives of Internal Medicine, January). [Wall Street Journal, 5-27-05]
local6.com - News - Men Behind 'Winnie The Pooh' Voices Of Tigger, Piglet Die: "Men Behind 'Winnie The Pooh' Voices Of Tigger, Piglet Die
POSTED: 7:22 am EDT June 27, 2005
UPDATED: 7:38 am EDT June 27, 2005
Disney is mourning the loss of two men who provided the voices of the 'Winnie the Pooh' characters Tigger and Piglet."
Pooh must be so sad...
POSTED: 7:22 am EDT June 27, 2005
UPDATED: 7:38 am EDT June 27, 2005
Disney is mourning the loss of two men who provided the voices of the 'Winnie the Pooh' characters Tigger and Piglet."
Pooh must be so sad...
NerdTests.com Fun Tests - Stupid Quiz / Stupidity Test: "
So I'm not as stupid as I once was but I'm as stupid once as I ever was!
So I'm not as stupid as I once was but I'm as stupid once as I ever was!
New York Daily News - Home - Tom a pill on TV: "The superstar Scientologist flipped out on the 'Today' show yesterday, pompously lecturing Matt Lauer about the evils of psychiatry - and scolding actress Brooke Shields for taking anti-depressants."
Keep your pie hole shut Tom, stop trying to force your cultish views on the rest of the world. Every time you open that mouth you offend more people, hurting your "cause" and career. I've heard more people talking about War of the Worlds, they're saying they will not go see it because of you.
Keep your pie hole shut Tom, stop trying to force your cultish views on the rest of the world. Every time you open that mouth you offend more people, hurting your "cause" and career. I've heard more people talking about War of the Worlds, they're saying they will not go see it because of you.
ScrollingBuckle.com | The Electronic Scrolling LED Belt Buckle. Only $29.99!
Spray on mud Products
There are some *%$ing stupid products out there! But as I sit here and blog they are selling these stupid products for real money, so who or what is really stupid?
Spray on mud Products
There are some *%$ing stupid products out there! But as I sit here and blog they are selling these stupid products for real money, so who or what is really stupid?
Happy Dad's Day... When my mom and dad were still around and together we would have a big picnic ever year and invite all the friends over. My dad would let me run the grill because it was his one day off. My present every year was washing the cars and mowing the yard before the picnic. I miss you dad, I wish you were here.

Do beads have sex?
Carrie claims she started off with only a few beads and now they seem to be "multiplying". She has been hard at work for three days trying to make sense of this mess, the pile has went down by 30% or so but... She inherited the beads from a great aunt and now wants to start beading for a hobby.

With the earthquakes out west I thought I would relate My Earthquake Story:
When I was out in Cali in the 80's I felt one small quake and I was like "That's It? Whats the big deal, the ground shakes a little."
Two weeks latter after returning to Kentucky we had another earthquake (about the same strength) but this one surprised us so much that I jumped up out of the chair and nearly ran out of the building! Turns out Kentucky is home to the largest earthquake to ever hit the US.
When I was out in Cali in the 80's I felt one small quake and I was like "That's It? Whats the big deal, the ground shakes a little."
Two weeks latter after returning to Kentucky we had another earthquake (about the same strength) but this one surprised us so much that I jumped up out of the chair and nearly ran out of the building! Turns out Kentucky is home to the largest earthquake to ever hit the US.
Say It Loud and Louder, today is....
June 16, National Hollerin' Contest Day.
I think my dad would of won this contest, I could hear him seven blocks away while playing at the Park. Of course if he had to Holler for me it meant I was already in trouble and did the most stupid thing you can do, walked as slow as I could home to avoid the "wrath". It never worked.
June 16, National Hollerin' Contest Day.
I think my dad would of won this contest, I could hear him seven blocks away while playing at the Park. Of course if he had to Holler for me it meant I was already in trouble and did the most stupid thing you can do, walked as slow as I could home to avoid the "wrath". It never worked.
Slightly off center . . .: "This fire truck brought to you by ...
STOCKERTOWN, Pa. — They may not be able to change their tires in less than 20 seconds, but Stockertown's fire department is looking for something decidedly race car-like: sponsorship. The tiny borough of 650 residents bought a fire truck but hasn't been able to scrape enough money to pay for it. So the fire chief and the City Council president dreamed up the idea of selling advertising space on the fire truck. So far, no one has signed on."
Minneapolis fire trucks have had advertising for a couple of years now... whats next "Dunkin Donut ads on police cars? or Lawyer ads on ambulances?"
STOCKERTOWN, Pa. — They may not be able to change their tires in less than 20 seconds, but Stockertown's fire department is looking for something decidedly race car-like: sponsorship. The tiny borough of 650 residents bought a fire truck but hasn't been able to scrape enough money to pay for it. So the fire chief and the City Council president dreamed up the idea of selling advertising space on the fire truck. So far, no one has signed on."
Minneapolis fire trucks have had advertising for a couple of years now... whats next "Dunkin Donut ads on police cars? or Lawyer ads on ambulances?"
Slightly off center . . .: "Harleyville sign makes for popular theft
CHARLESTON, S.C. — In Harleyville, S.C., the town limits sign has disappeared from the same spot for the fourth time in five years. And town officials think they know who has the signs: Harley-Davidson fans. A motorcycle shop owner says swiping Harleyville signs, which have been spotted as far away as Florida, is a point of pride among some bikers. ''I've seen them coming with a beer in one hand and a sign in the other like I'd give them a brownie point or something,'' he said."
Second time in a week a story about signs being stolen.
CHARLESTON, S.C. — In Harleyville, S.C., the town limits sign has disappeared from the same spot for the fourth time in five years. And town officials think they know who has the signs: Harley-Davidson fans. A motorcycle shop owner says swiping Harleyville signs, which have been spotted as far away as Florida, is a point of pride among some bikers. ''I've seen them coming with a beer in one hand and a sign in the other like I'd give them a brownie point or something,'' he said."
Second time in a week a story about signs being stolen.
CBS News | The Charges Against Jackson | June 13, 2005�18:30:10: "The Charges Against Jackson
June 13, 2005
(CBS/AP) These are the allegations against Michael Jackson, outlined in a 10-count indictment filed in Santa Barbara Superior Court on April 21, 2004. The jury reached their verdict on June 13, 2005:
COUNT ELEVEN*- Damn Guilty
*No there was no eleventh count but there should have been one. For wasting all of our time with his antics and delays. There was no twelfth count either but there should have been, for being a freaky/scary person. I will refuse to comment if I think he was really guilty or not, at this point it is done with.
June 13, 2005
(CBS/AP) These are the allegations against Michael Jackson, outlined in a 10-count indictment filed in Santa Barbara Superior Court on April 21, 2004. The jury reached their verdict on June 13, 2005:
COUNT ELEVEN*- Damn Guilty
*No there was no eleventh count but there should have been one. For wasting all of our time with his antics and delays. There was no twelfth count either but there should have been, for being a freaky/scary person. I will refuse to comment if I think he was really guilty or not, at this point it is done with.
Tyson calls it quits: "Tyson calls it quits... as if we really care any more?
MIKE Tyson confirmed he will quit boxing after a humiliating defeat by Irishman Kevin McBride in Washington DC." When trainer Jeff Fenech signaled to referee Joe Cortez Tyson had had enough.
An 80's icon flickers out... a fighter that should be a legend allowed himself to be an embarassment to all. Broke with no other skills to offer he will return to the ring at some point, unfortunately.
MIKE Tyson confirmed he will quit boxing after a humiliating defeat by Irishman Kevin McBride in Washington DC." When trainer Jeff Fenech signaled to referee Joe Cortez Tyson had had enough.
An 80's icon flickers out... a fighter that should be a legend allowed himself to be an embarassment to all. Broke with no other skills to offer he will return to the ring at some point, unfortunately.
Ever wanted to parachute with a cameraman... this may change your mind.
If that does not change your mind...
Where's the Chute?
Historic Darwin Award Nominee
Confirmed by Darwin
(North Carolina, 1987) Ivan, an experienced parachutist with 800 jumps under his belt, was videotaping a private lesson given by an instructor for a single trainee. He had attached the video camera to his helmet so that it would capture the entire day of instruction, and the supporting power supply and recorder were in a heavy satchel slung on his back.
The group went up in the plane, and the instructor led the enthusiastic beginner through preparations for the jump. Ivan carefully documented the lesson, which needed to be perfect for the sake of posterity,
When they reached the jump site, Ivan jumped from the back of the plane and filmed the student and instructor jumping from the front of the plane. A few heartbeats later, tape still running, Ivan realized that he had been so focused on filming the jump that he had forgotten to strap on his own parachute. An FAA spokesperson said that the video equipment strapped to his back may have been mistaken for a parachute.
In the footage salvaged from the camera and spliced together, the student and instructor are shown in freefall befire they pull their ripcords and recede rapidly from view. Then the cameraman's hands reach for his own ripcord. When Ivan realizes he has no ripcord, ergo no chute, his hands are seen to flail about wildly, then the camera pans down towards the approaching earth...
Film from the final stage of the plunge was destroyed on impact.
DarwinAwards.com © 1994 - 2005
Reference: Associated Press, The Washington Post, UPI
If that does not change your mind...
Where's the Chute?
Historic Darwin Award Nominee
Confirmed by Darwin
(North Carolina, 1987) Ivan, an experienced parachutist with 800 jumps under his belt, was videotaping a private lesson given by an instructor for a single trainee. He had attached the video camera to his helmet so that it would capture the entire day of instruction, and the supporting power supply and recorder were in a heavy satchel slung on his back.
The group went up in the plane, and the instructor led the enthusiastic beginner through preparations for the jump. Ivan carefully documented the lesson, which needed to be perfect for the sake of posterity,
When they reached the jump site, Ivan jumped from the back of the plane and filmed the student and instructor jumping from the front of the plane. A few heartbeats later, tape still running, Ivan realized that he had been so focused on filming the jump that he had forgotten to strap on his own parachute. An FAA spokesperson said that the video equipment strapped to his back may have been mistaken for a parachute.
In the footage salvaged from the camera and spliced together, the student and instructor are shown in freefall befire they pull their ripcords and recede rapidly from view. Then the cameraman's hands reach for his own ripcord. When Ivan realizes he has no ripcord, ergo no chute, his hands are seen to flail about wildly, then the camera pans down towards the approaching earth...
Film from the final stage of the plunge was destroyed on impact.
DarwinAwards.com © 1994 - 2005
Reference: Associated Press, The Washington Post, UPI
From today's posts you may have figured I'm a little twisted today, see what enough sleep and relaxation will do to you. Last night Carrie through me out of the house saying that me being around all the time was driving her nutz! So I wandered the Nicollet and 1st Ave street scenes (ie: looked at the drunken people making fools of themselves) and when it started to rain dogged into Lyons for a few. Today it's running a few errands, paying bills and figuring out fixing the car, c-ya.
Lotions & Lace | Secrets
Juicy Jellies Edible Gummy .... with vibrator and SUGAR-FREE!
Equal oppertunity, this one is For the ladies.
Juicy Jellies Edible Gummy .... with vibrator and SUGAR-FREE!
Equal oppertunity, this one is For the ladies.
Japan unveils "robot suit" that enhances human power - Yahoo! News: "The 15-kilogram (33-pound) battery-powered suit, code-named HAL-5, detects muscle movements through electrical-signal flows on the skin surface and then amplifies them."
What was sci-fi is becoming reality. Beem me up Scotty!
What was sci-fi is becoming reality. Beem me up Scotty!
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