
iWon News: "'Honey, I'm Running Over to the Mall for Some...'
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Apr 12, 10:25 AM (ET)

BUDAPEST (Reuters) - The Hungarian Interior Ministry looks set to allow prostitutes to tout for business in shopping malls, local media reported Tuesday.

The ministry is thinking of allowing dedicated shopping centers where prostitutes could strike deals for sex as long as they move to a place of their own to carry out the transaction, the daily Nepszabadsag said.

'There is nothing intrinsically wrong legally with an entertainment center without gratification,' the newspaper quoted from a letter the ministry sent to the businessman who proposed to set up an 'all-in-one' sex plaza.

Hungary allows local governments to set so-called 'zones of patience' for the country's up to 20,000 prostitutes, but no municipality has done so yet.

Honey were moving to Hungary... "OUCH!!!!" Ok I guess were not...

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