Twisted:strained or wrenched out of normal shape. News, comments, pictures, videos and rants on any and all subjects including my life. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS & FEEDBACK.
So Time Warner tells me there is something wrong with my cable and it will need to be rewired from the pole on in, but they can't do it till next week. This is after I have waited for almost a week for them to come out, the tech is there for maybe ten minutes and then poof! He is gone with the vague explanation above... god I hope Minneapolis goes through with their plan of city wide wi-fi, then I can tell the cable co's to kiss my *^%. I have thought about going over to the dark side and trying the Dish Network, Qwest high speed combo but... Telephone line highspeed (It's 5:45 am and I have been up all night at work so I can't think of the name) is faster then dial-up but still so slow compared to a cable modem. I have a ton of pic's and other tid bits but I can't share them from work so... everything here is good, till later c-ya
So Time Warner tells me there is something wrong with my cable and it will need to be rewired from the pole on in, but they can't do it till next week. This is after I have waited for almost a week for them to come out, the tech is there for maybe ten minutes and then poof! He is gone with the vague explanation above... god I hope Minneapolis goes through with their plan of city wide wi-fi, then I can tell the cable co's to kiss my *^%. I have thought about going over to the dark side and trying the Dish Network, Qwest high speed combo but... telephone line highspeed (It's 5:45 am and I have been up all night at work so I can't think of the name) is faster then dial-up but still so slow compared to cable a cable modem. I have a ton of pic's and other tid bits but I can't share them from work so... everything here is good, till later c-ya
The Love Boot: "Fifty-three men bounced, laughed, shrieked and stomped in unison Sunday afternoon."
Today was my birthday and what a present I received!
Today was my birthday and what a present I received!
Idiot of the week is....
WCCO-TV - Minnesota's Breaking News, Weather, Traffic and Sports: Man Gets $900K After Cop Accidentally Shoots Him: "Investigators said during a struggle an officer thought he was pulling the trigger of his Taser against Atak's back -- but instead of a Taser, it was his .40-caliber Glock handgun. "
WCCO-TV - Minnesota's Breaking News, Weather, Traffic and Sports: Man Gets $900K After Cop Accidentally Shoots Him: "Investigators said during a struggle an officer thought he was pulling the trigger of his Taser against Atak's back -- but instead of a Taser, it was his .40-caliber Glock handgun. "
Since I missed a few weeks here is idiot of the week part two... this one is also a cop?
Oddly Enough News Article | "Australian authorities have apologized to the family of an elderly man who was given a parking ticket while he lay dead in his car in a suburban shopping center."
"The circumstances surrounding the location of this poor fellow must make it all the harder for the family. It is simply a case of the parking officer not noticing."
Oddly Enough News Article | "Australian authorities have apologized to the family of an elderly man who was given a parking ticket while he lay dead in his car in a suburban shopping center."
"The circumstances surrounding the location of this poor fellow must make it all the harder for the family. It is simply a case of the parking officer not noticing."

But White House officials insist all is "business as usual."
Some analysts and Republicans say the string of setbacks that have beset the nomination is a testament to how unhinged the White House has become amid legal and political problems, including the criminal investigation into the possible roles of two key administration aides  Karl Rove and I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby  in the unmasking of a covert CIA operative.
'You're seeing evidence of a profoundly disorganized and demoralized White House,' said Ross Baker, a political scientist at Rutgers University who has also spent time working on the Senate staff. 'If you are looking for evidence of a rudderless White House, the slipshod manner in which Harriet Miers' papers were prepared is really Exhibit A.'
Other Republicans are mostly withholding public judgment until she testifies at confirmation hearings that are scheduled to begin Nov. 7. But privately, some expressed surprise and unease at how poorly prepared the White House was for the skepticism Miers encountered. And they lamented that Bush had failed to find a nominee who would help unite and energize a party demoralized by troubles in Iraq, high gas prices and criticism of Bush's response to Hurricane Katrina.
The scariest thing about all this is that they DO think this is "business as usual".

Dominican Today: "'Not all obesity can be explained by infection,' said Dhurandhar, a researcher at the Pennington Biomedial Research Center of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. Yet Âinfections can be one of the causes.'
The general public has presumed for ages that most obesity is caused simply by overeating, lack of or little exercise and no will power. But viruses are just one of many contributing factors that scientists have recently discovered."
And speaking of viruses, I'm sick as a dog... so feel sorry for me damn it!

"Rocky" Returns! - Oct 17, 2005 - E! Online News: "Cue 'Eye of the Tiger'--the Italian Stallion is coming out of retirement for more one shot.
Sylvester Stallone has signed on to reprise his role as the boxing champ for a sixth installment in the once mighty franchise."
They (they being Stallone) should see if Mike "Bite Me" Tyson and George "buy my cooking junk" Forman would be interested in guest appearances... I would love to see Rocky spar with Tyson!

Ananova - Musical breast implants: "Musical breast implants
Computer chips that store music could soon be built into a woman's breast implants.
One boob could hold an MP3 player and the other the person's whole music collection."

Drinking Liberally: "DRINKING LIBERALLY
Now with OVER 100 chapters nationwide!
Find or start a chapter near you."

Official Google Blog: Googlebombing 'failure': "If you do a Google search on the word [failure] or the phrase [miserable failure], the top result is currently the White House’s official biographical page for President Bush. " Try it here! And OMG this is funny, no matter if you love or hate the Bush!


Britain, UK news from The Times and The Sunday Times - Times Online: "Posters for his new animated feature film Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were Rabbit have been banned from the Isle of Portland, Dorset, because of a local superstition."
Truth is stranger than fiction.
For a good read tonight head on over to, this is one of the waiters better stories.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
For a good read tonight head on over to, this is one of the waiters better stories.
U.S. President George Bush said Tuesday that in event of a bird flu pandemic, American troops would be the best solution to enforce quarantines.
So I was joking with Carrie Sunday night, that the Bush was planning on taking over the USA. I said this after watching another report about the avian bird flu pandemic that the media keeps hyping. I said "Just watch Bush will put the military in charge and enforce martial law to protect the US. This of course would coincide with suspending the elections. I can hear it now "We wouldn't want large groups of people getting together and passing the flu around would we? We will have the election as soon as it is safe too." That would be lets say oh ten or fifteen yrs down the road, after a few more minor disasters. Who is going to stop him? The supreme court will now be in his control after Ms. What the hell is her name and what has she done, is confirmed. The military, well they all are off fighting the war on terror don't you know.
You have the right to bare arms, well my good people run out and stock up there is a civil war abrewing, you better be prepared. The gov.... "wait let go of me"... Haven't you ever heard of freedom of speech?" Let go I say.... aaaahhhh
Hello folks this is your president please disregard and forget everything you have ever read or learned, it was a dream. Don't worry I'm in charge right now and forever.......
So I was joking with Carrie Sunday night, that the Bush was planning on taking over the USA. I said this after watching another report about the avian bird flu pandemic that the media keeps hyping. I said "Just watch Bush will put the military in charge and enforce martial law to protect the US. This of course would coincide with suspending the elections. I can hear it now "We wouldn't want large groups of people getting together and passing the flu around would we? We will have the election as soon as it is safe too." That would be lets say oh ten or fifteen yrs down the road, after a few more minor disasters. Who is going to stop him? The supreme court will now be in his control after Ms. What the hell is her name and what has she done, is confirmed. The military, well they all are off fighting the war on terror don't you know.
You have the right to bare arms, well my good people run out and stock up there is a civil war abrewing, you better be prepared. The gov.... "wait let go of me"... Haven't you ever heard of freedom of speech?" Let go I say.... aaaahhhh
Hello folks this is your president please disregard and forget everything you have ever read or learned, it was a dream. Don't worry I'm in charge right now and forever.......

So to steal a joke from Jay Leno ".. Bush has started drinking again(or here), you know what that means? All of his decisions up till now where made sober!" Now that is scary! So is this... But here is a good idea.
10.02.2005 News from WABC-TV: "(New York-AP, Sept. 27, 2005) - It's an only in New York story. A woman was given a ticket for sitting on a park bench because she doesn't have children.
The Rivington Playground on Manhattan's East Side has a small sign at the entrance that says adults are prohibited unless they are accompanied by a child.
Forty-seven-year-old Sandra Catena says she didn't see the sign when she sat down to wait for an arts festival to start. Two New York City police officers asked her if she was with a child. When she said no, they gave her a ticket that could bring a one thousand dollar fine and 90 days in jail."

MSNBC - News of the Weird: "City Officials Who Know How to Make News of the Weird: Mayor Felipe Santolia of Espertantina, Brazil, declared last May 9 as 'Orgasm Day,' pointing out that orgasms seem to make people happier and more productive. And Mayor Gabor Mitynan of a municipal district in Budapest, Hungary, declared in August that female workers should not wear revealing skirts to work unless they have 'completely perfect legs,' nor crop tops unless they have 'well-trained bellies.' [ABC News-AP, 5-9-05] [Reuters, 8-26-05]"
This little story was prompted by waiterrant!
Server/urban legend I thought till it happened to me. Working late one New Years Eve, I had stayed late at the hotel to help the banquet staff clean up. In the process I spilled/dumped a large quantity of various left over drinks on me and my shoes. It's two am and I'm heading home and what do I see before me but a sobriety check point. The only drink I had that night was a quick glass of champ shared with a few other managers to ring in the New Year. Knowing I was sober I felt only a mild wave of panic. Once I rolled down the window I could actually hear the cop sniffing the air and poof... I'm prancing along side of the car doing the drunken pony show. I tried to explain why I smelt like Norm on a weekend drunk but... well they had heard that before. Three cops, two pony shows and finally a request for a breathalyzer earned me a warning to bring a change of clothes next time! To this day, in my trunk, is an extra set of beat around clothes, just in case!
Server/urban legend I thought till it happened to me. Working late one New Years Eve, I had stayed late at the hotel to help the banquet staff clean up. In the process I spilled/dumped a large quantity of various left over drinks on me and my shoes. It's two am and I'm heading home and what do I see before me but a sobriety check point. The only drink I had that night was a quick glass of champ shared with a few other managers to ring in the New Year. Knowing I was sober I felt only a mild wave of panic. Once I rolled down the window I could actually hear the cop sniffing the air and poof... I'm prancing along side of the car doing the drunken pony show. I tried to explain why I smelt like Norm on a weekend drunk but... well they had heard that before. Three cops, two pony shows and finally a request for a breathalyzer earned me a warning to bring a change of clothes next time! To this day, in my trunk, is an extra set of beat around clothes, just in case!

The 200-foot-long toy rabbit lies on the side of the 5,000 foot high Colletto Fava mountain in northern Italy's Piedmont region.
Viennese art group Gelatin designed the giant soft toy and say it was "knitted by dozens of grannies out of pink wool".
Group member Wolfgang Gantner said: "It's supposed to make you feel small, like Gulliver. You walk around it and you can't help but smile."
And Gelatin members say the bunny is not just for walking around - they are expecting hikers to climb its 20 foot sides and relax on its belly.
The giant rabbit is expected to remain on the mountain side until 2025.

Police rescue man from home with 200 rats: "The call to the police came in at 1 a.m. Thursday and sounded like a supermarket tabloid headline.
A man in the small Iron Range town of Gilbert was being eaten alive in his home by rats"
A man in the small Iron Range town of Gilbert was being eaten alive in his home by rats"
You Can Tell It's Going To Be A Rotten Day When...
1. You wake up facedown on the pavement.
2. You put your bra on backward and it fits better.
3. You call suicide prevention and they put you on hold.
4. You see a 60 minutes team waiting in your office.
5. You want to put on the clothes you wore home from the party and they aren't there.
6. You turn on the news and they're showing emergency routes out of the city.
7. You wake up to discover your waterbed has broken, then remember you don't have a waterbed.
8. Your car horn goes off accidentally and remains stuck as you follow a group of Hell's Angels down the motorway.
9. Your wife wakes up feeling amorous and you have a headache.
10. Your boss tells you not to bother taking off your coat.
11. You wake up and your braces are locked together.
12. Your blind date turns out to be your ex-wife.
13. You put both contact lenses in the same eye.
14. Your wife says, 'Good morning, Bill' and your name is George. "
1. You wake up facedown on the pavement.
2. You put your bra on backward and it fits better.
3. You call suicide prevention and they put you on hold.
4. You see a 60 minutes team waiting in your office.
5. You want to put on the clothes you wore home from the party and they aren't there.
6. You turn on the news and they're showing emergency routes out of the city.
7. You wake up to discover your waterbed has broken, then remember you don't have a waterbed.
8. Your car horn goes off accidentally and remains stuck as you follow a group of Hell's Angels down the motorway.
9. Your wife wakes up feeling amorous and you have a headache.
10. Your boss tells you not to bother taking off your coat.
11. You wake up and your braces are locked together.
12. Your blind date turns out to be your ex-wife.
13. You put both contact lenses in the same eye.
14. Your wife says, 'Good morning, Bill' and your name is George. "
9.22.2005 Sex Laws, Weird Funny Laws About Sex and Sexuality: "In Minnesota, it is illegal for any man to have sexual intercourse with a live fish."
I'm scared to think this was ever a problem.
I'm scared to think this was ever a problem.

Oddly Enough News Article | "DELRAN, New Jersey (Reuters) - Somewhere along the mudflats of a Delaware River tributary in New Jersey is the spot where baseball's 'magic mud' is mined, a location known only to a few and kept secret for decades.
The unique mud is rubbed on every new baseball used by Major League teams to remove the sheen, soften the seams and give pitchers a better grip."
Magic mud... sounds like a fairytail to me. I imagine a guy digging a hole in the backyard with the garden hose nearby, laughing all the way to the bank.
The unique mud is rubbed on every new baseball used by Major League teams to remove the sheen, soften the seams and give pitchers a better grip."
Magic mud... sounds like a fairytail to me. I imagine a guy digging a hole in the backyard with the garden hose nearby, laughing all the way to the bank.
Oddly Enough News Article | "SYDNEY (Reuters) - An Australian man built up a 40,000-volt charge of static electricity in his clothes as he walked, leaving a trail of scorched carpet and molten plastic and forcing firefighters to evacuate a building."
I'm glade I wasn't there to shake his hand!
I'm glade I wasn't there to shake his hand!
Bush takes the blame for Katrina failures: "'To the extent the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility,''"
Bravo, Bravo Mr. Bush you have proved me wrong twice with those words.
The first way you proved me wrong, is that I never thought you would take responsibility for anything remotely negative.
Second way you proved me wrong is that you are not the idiot I thought you where. You knew the only way to confront the overwhelming proof of the incompetence of the federal response was to take a body shot and fess up.
I for a very brief moment could say that "I was proud of my president." If only it could last.
Bravo, Bravo Mr. Bush you have proved me wrong twice with those words.
The first way you proved me wrong, is that I never thought you would take responsibility for anything remotely negative.
Second way you proved me wrong is that you are not the idiot I thought you where. You knew the only way to confront the overwhelming proof of the incompetence of the federal response was to take a body shot and fess up.
I for a very brief moment could say that "I was proud of my president." If only it could last.

Oddly Enough News Article | "Judging from the number of military and police vehicles which stopped or slowed passing Big Daddy's, they'll have plenty of customers. It didn't seem to occur to the men in uniform to enforce the evacuation order in effect on the city -- they preferred to ask when the strippers would be back."
woohoo... the first business's to reopen or want to are bars and strip clubs. Vice Rules!

Ziggy and a visting friend. The little white one is named poopers, Carrie found him abandoned by the apartment and brought him home for a short while. Poopers headed to the Humane Society last friday. I love animals and he was very cute but four cats... is one to many. On to other news Carrie and I are moving at the end of October to a 2+ bedroom house in south Minneapolis, near Minnehaha falls. Work at the new hotel is great, long hours till I get things fixed, but I'm loving it.
9.06.2005 - U.S. & World - Bush Declares State of Emergency: "CRAWFORD, Texas — President Bush declared a state of emergency in Louisiana (search) on Saturday because of the approach of Hurricane Katrina (search) and his spokesman urged residents along the coast to heed authorities' advice to evacuate.
Bush, vacationing at his ranch, was being regularly updated about the storm, which is expected to hit land early Monday, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.
Officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency continue to coordinate with state authorities in Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama, and have prepositioned supplies in areas expected to be affected, he said.
The president's emergency declaration authorizes the FEMA to coordinate all disaster relief efforts and to provide appropriate assistance in a number of Louisiana parishes, or counties."
mmmm...president's emergency declaration authorizes the FEMA to coordinate all disaster relief efforts.
I imagine all the pro Bush idiots with their fingers in their ears chanting...nah...nah...nah... I can't hear you.
Bush, vacationing at his ranch, was being regularly updated about the storm, which is expected to hit land early Monday, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.
Officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency continue to coordinate with state authorities in Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama, and have prepositioned supplies in areas expected to be affected, he said.
The president's emergency declaration authorizes the FEMA to coordinate all disaster relief efforts and to provide appropriate assistance in a number of Louisiana parishes, or counties."
mmmm...president's emergency declaration authorizes the FEMA to coordinate all disaster relief efforts.
I imagine all the pro Bush idiots with their fingers in their ears chanting...nah...nah...nah... I can't hear you.
DHS | Department of Homeland Security | Emergencies & Disasters: "Emergencies & Disasters
Preparing America
In the event of a terrorist attack, natural disaster or other large-scale emergency, the Department of Homeland Security will assume primary responsibility on March 1st for ensuring that emergency response professionals are prepared for any situation. This will entail providing a coordinated, comprehensive federal response to any large-scale crisis and mounting a swift and effective recovery effort. The new Department will also prioritize the important issue of citizen preparedness. Educating America's families on how best to prepare their homes for a disaster and tips for citizens on how to respond in a crisis will be given special attention at DHS." ...The National Response Plan provides mechanisms for expedited and proactive Federal support to ensure critical life-saving assistance and incident containment capabilities are in place to respond quickly and efficiently to catastrophic incidents. These are high-impact, low-probability incidents, including natural disasters and terrorist attacks that result in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the population, infrastructure, environment, economy, national morale, and/or government functions...
For those who keep saying that Bush and the administratin is the last to be blamed I give you... The Dept. Of Homeland Security, which FEMA is part of. Created by Bush, it was they who should have been coordinating the response, and who do they report too, the Bush. Don't get me wrong there was failure on the local scale too, but they where stuck in the middle of the disaster and had little to no resources left to work with.
Preparing America
In the event of a terrorist attack, natural disaster or other large-scale emergency, the Department of Homeland Security will assume primary responsibility on March 1st for ensuring that emergency response professionals are prepared for any situation. This will entail providing a coordinated, comprehensive federal response to any large-scale crisis and mounting a swift and effective recovery effort. The new Department will also prioritize the important issue of citizen preparedness. Educating America's families on how best to prepare their homes for a disaster and tips for citizens on how to respond in a crisis will be given special attention at DHS." ...The National Response Plan provides mechanisms for expedited and proactive Federal support to ensure critical life-saving assistance and incident containment capabilities are in place to respond quickly and efficiently to catastrophic incidents. These are high-impact, low-probability incidents, including natural disasters and terrorist attacks that result in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the population, infrastructure, environment, economy, national morale, and/or government functions...
For those who keep saying that Bush and the administratin is the last to be blamed I give you... The Dept. Of Homeland Security, which FEMA is part of. Created by Bush, it was they who should have been coordinating the response, and who do they report too, the Bush. Don't get me wrong there was failure on the local scale too, but they where stuck in the middle of the disaster and had little to no resources left to work with.
Go here for a laugh or reality check, your choice. Warning this is funny and deals with the devastation of Katrina. If you are offended by such, don't go. I'm sorry if some find the pic in the last post offensive, but this is my blog.
Oddly Enough News Article | "Around 385,000 people had applied to compete in this year's municipal contest, which offers just 1,200 openings with a monthly salary of about $210, transport coupons, food stamps, a healthcare plan --"
There is a job for ya... and to qualify you must run a 1.2 mile foot race.
There is a job for ya... and to qualify you must run a 1.2 mile foot race.
FAZED - Comments: "Oh the best one was we were at a McDonalds on a road trip. I was about 16 and we are sitting at a booth across from these a little boy and girl, their mom is in line. And my Dad is like 'Hi how are you? This is my boy he was little like you guys once.'
The girl is about to say something and the boy goes 'No Sarah he is a stranger don't talk to strangers.'
My dad hears this and think of Grinch smiling. It was that big and evil.
He goes in a kind of sing song voice 'Yes I am a Strange Stranger! Such an Oh so strange stranger!! Look out! its the strange stranger comin to get ya! People are strange when your a stranger' he starts into the Door's People are Strange song and the two little kids are bugged eyed in terror.
My dad kinda winks and goes back to eating.
The mom comes over with her kids happy meals and my dad says 'You have such well behaved and good kids.'
The little boy flips out and goes 'Muh muh MOM don't talk to him he is a strange stranger coming to get you!!'
She looks at her kid and is like 'Billy what did I say about interrupting adults when they are talking that is it!' and she takes the kid to the bathroom and spanks him.
I couldn't stop laughing. Oh man that was great. "
LMFAO... my dad would do shit like that. Above comment borrowed from a forum relating to this! Enjoy, evil parents.
The girl is about to say something and the boy goes 'No Sarah he is a stranger don't talk to strangers.'
My dad hears this and think of Grinch smiling. It was that big and evil.
He goes in a kind of sing song voice 'Yes I am a Strange Stranger! Such an Oh so strange stranger!! Look out! its the strange stranger comin to get ya! People are strange when your a stranger' he starts into the Door's People are Strange song and the two little kids are bugged eyed in terror.
My dad kinda winks and goes back to eating.
The mom comes over with her kids happy meals and my dad says 'You have such well behaved and good kids.'
The little boy flips out and goes 'Muh muh MOM don't talk to him he is a strange stranger coming to get you!!'
She looks at her kid and is like 'Billy what did I say about interrupting adults when they are talking that is it!' and she takes the kid to the bathroom and spanks him.
I couldn't stop laughing. Oh man that was great. "
LMFAO... my dad would do shit like that. Above comment borrowed from a forum relating to this! Enjoy, evil parents.
Pic's of the aftermath... most will bring a tear but a few will cause smiles. I could make a few jokes but right now it would feel wrong. More pic's...
Japan Today - News - Singapore to have world's first toilet college - Japan's Leading International News Network: "Sunday, August 28, 2005 at 07:00 JST
SINGAPORE — The Singapore-based World Toilet Organization is setting up the world's first toilet college"
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore police handcuffed and locked up a U.S. citizen for bringing 58 pornographic DVDs and video CDs into the wealthy city-state when he moved to Singapore last year, a newspaper reported Thursday.
Singapore, get arrested for chewing gum or possessing porn but go to college for Toilets... must be hell working in their tourist industry.
SINGAPORE — The Singapore-based World Toilet Organization is setting up the world's first toilet college"
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore police handcuffed and locked up a U.S. citizen for bringing 58 pornographic DVDs and video CDs into the wealthy city-state when he moved to Singapore last year, a newspaper reported Thursday.
Singapore, get arrested for chewing gum or possessing porn but go to college for Toilets... must be hell working in their tourist industry.

PS Carrie gets to come home tomorrow... we hope!
CBS News | Anti-War Mom Opposition Mounting | August 21, 2005�00:30:04: "A Utah television station is refusing to air an anti-war ad featuring Cindy Sheehan...a national sales representative for KTVX, a local ABC affiliate, rejected the ad in an e-mail to media buyers, writing that it was an "inappropriate commercial advertisement for Salt Lake City... the station's owner, Clear Channel Communications Inc."
If ABC which is owned by Disney and Clear Channel which owns the station wish to stick their heads up their ass, it's their right. Just like it's my right to call for a boycott of ABC/Disney and Clear Channel.
If ABC which is owned by Disney and Clear Channel which owns the station wish to stick their heads up their ass, it's their right. Just like it's my right to call for a boycott of ABC/Disney and Clear Channel.
Oddly Enough News Article | "By Dan Whitcomb
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - More than a week after a man-sized alligator stunned authorities by surfacing in a murky Los Angeles lake, the fugitive reptile has already become a folk hero in the gritty neighborhood where he continues to outwit wranglers and elude capture."
Check the sewers!
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - More than a week after a man-sized alligator stunned authorities by surfacing in a murky Los Angeles lake, the fugitive reptile has already become a folk hero in the gritty neighborhood where he continues to outwit wranglers and elude capture."
Check the sewers!
MSNBC - News of the Weird: "Fetish du Jour: In July in Exeter, England, Paul Pennington pleaded guilty to engaging in sexual activity in a public restroom, while incidentally dressed in a baby diaper, bib and girl's dress and carrying a baby bottle (but also wearing a stuffed bra). And Sean Kelly, 35, was arrested in Sebastian, Fla., in July, and charged with fraudulently attempting to obtain health-care services after he showed up at a clinic complaining of back pain but dressed in a baby diaper (which he eventually 'loaded,' demanding a change). And Calvin Milo Alvarez, 30, was arrested in Fayetteville, Ark., in May on a child pornography charge after he was found by police, arguing with another man at an apartment house, with Alvarez dressed in a baby diaper and bleeding from the mouth. [Western Daily Press, 7-15-05] [Vero Beach Press-Journal, 7-10-05] [Northwest Arkansas Times (Fayetteville), 5-10-05]"
Bad babies, bad babies what you gonna do when the cops come for you... Again I say WTF? Adult babies, this time going to jail.
Bad babies, bad babies what you gonna do when the cops come for you... Again I say WTF? Adult babies, this time going to jail.
First Sign You Watch Too Much Sports
I was wondering why every time I went over to a buddies house the batteries where missing from the remote, now I know.
I was wondering why every time I went over to a buddies house the batteries where missing from the remote, now I know.
Breaking News!!!
I'm home... as in Minneapolis. Carrie had to go the emergency room Tuesday morning, her leg had become infected, again. It's a pretty bad and agressive infection but they think things will be alright. They cut my training short and sent me home so I could be with my wife, shows you what a good company is all about. Start full-time friday at the new hotel. Back to the hospital I go, c-ya.
I'm home... as in Minneapolis. Carrie had to go the emergency room Tuesday morning, her leg had become infected, again. It's a pretty bad and agressive infection but they think things will be alright. They cut my training short and sent me home so I could be with my wife, shows you what a good company is all about. Start full-time friday at the new hotel. Back to the hospital I go, c-ya.

I had a one night stand on Saturday... ssshhhh don't tell my wife! Actually Carrie's cousin Alison and her band where playing in Eau Claire, WI. about an hour and a half from where I'm at so I met Carrie there! We grabbed a hotel room after the show... nuff said. From bottom to top...
1. Carrie and I, I love her new short hair.
2. Alison and the band (Shot On Goal), the guy on the right is Alison's fiancee, Keith.
3.Girls dancing... where are the guys?
5. Today after work I ran up Rib Mountain, which overlooks the western half of Wausau, WI.
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