
The Miami Herald | 08/31/2003 | Ask not what telemarketers can do to you: "Leading the charge for the telemarketing industry is the American Teleservices Association (suggested motto: 'Some Day, We Will Get a Dictionary and Look Up 'Services' ''). This group argues that, if its members are prohibited from calling people who do not want to be called, then two million telemarketers will lose their jobs. Of course, you could use pretty much the same reasoning to argue that laws against mugging cause unemployment among muggers. But that would be unfair. Muggers rarely intrude into your home."

Call the American Teleservices Association, toll-free, at 1-877-779-3974, and tell them what you think.

Of course the ATA is so responsive to our wishes and calls they have now placed a recording saying they can't come to the phone.

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