
best of craigslist : Looking for smoking hot girl to share apartment: "I'm looking for an incredibly beautiful girl to share my apartment. Why does my next roommate have to be a gorgeous girl with fantastic funbags? Because I hate my job, that's why.

I spend everyday dealing with complete cockbites, only to come home and deal with one more cockbite fucktard, and I'm tired of it. For once, I want something to look forward to, and it's certaintly not going to be my job.

So if someone has suggested that you should be on America's Top Model, or could be (better yet, have been) in Playboy, than you may just have what it takes to be my next roommate.

In all fairness though, it will take more than just being a scorching hottie to be my roommate, it will also take $700 every month. You will also have to put up with the following:

My friends will always be over to check you out
I will always be trying to check you out
I will move all of your food to the bottom drawer of the refridgerator, just so I can watch you bend over and get it (Oh, yeah! Get those apples from the crisper, you dirty girl!)
I will make every attempt possible to 'accidently' bump into you as you are on your way out of the shower.
I will constantly try to get you drunk so that I can advantage of you. Sadly, in attempting this, I will get"

To read the rest, click above. (It's funny) Oh and by the way I'm back from Colo. so pic's and stories over the weekend!


Well folks where off too Estes Park Colorado for a week in the mountains and then a quick stop at Mt. Rushmore on the return trip, so no posts but wait till you see the pic's! Carrie and I bought a 2 Gig memory card for our camera so we have space for over 3,000 thousand pics... this should be fun!

Baby monitor picks up live NASA video - USATODAY.com

Baby monitor picks up live NASA video - USATODAY.com: "Baby monitor picks up live NASA video"

I wonder how much $$$ NASA spends on it's monitors and how much $$$ it could save buy buying baby monitors?

Nick Coleman: Minneapolis in trouble? Then bash the beggars

Nick Coleman: Minneapolis in trouble? Then bash the beggars:

"'Calling all cars, calling all cars: Citizens report a surly beggar at 9th and Hennepin.

'Oh, yes, there's also a double homicide on Broadway.'"


Bush robbed? Not on my watch! | Oddly Enough | Reuters

Bush robbed? Not on my watch! | Oddly Enough | Reuters: "Bush robbed? Not on my watch!"

Now, why couldn't they steal Bush and leave the U.S. the watch! (Yes, I know the watch was not stolen; Bush just chose to insult Albanians by implying they are thieves. Of course we all know who the biggest thief is, the one who stole an election, our good image and our civil rights!)


Eating live frogs, rats cures tummy upsets | Oddly Enough | Reuters

Eating live frogs, rats cures tummy upsets | Oddly Enough | Reuters: "Eating live frogs, rats 'cures tummy upsets"

Eating mushrooms and licking frogs will make you forget about that tummy and about anything else also;)