
Happy Mothers Day: "Happy Mothers Day

This is a video of a baby squirrel getting lost in downtown New York City. Things looked pretty bleak for the little guy until his mother found him and carried him back home."
How strong are those bike wheels?

No he's not dead, just passed out.

If this describes you see the girl below.

Where glad their not!

Someone hates this kid.

Some crazy and stupid pics from the net... mostly break.com.
Not much going on in our world just job work (I wish I could win the lotto, life would be so different for so many people.) bills and house work. Carrie loves her new job at the bead store it pays less but she if having so much fun. My work has been long = hours and stress. My hotel is getting ready for some major renovations (work has started already) and keeping an eye on that while managing the daily stuff is adding hours to every day.

So on Friday night 3:45 or so am this couple checks in, she is a knockout and the guy is beaming with pride. (No one checks into a hotel at 3:45 am unless your to drunk to drive or it's a hook up) The guy tells me he met the girl at a notorious strip club in DT Minneapolis. I don't know if she works there or what but she didn't seem to pleased to have this guy broadcasting it to this audience of one. Twenty minutes latter the guy comes to the desk looking for condoms, I/we don't stock them but their is a SuperAmerica (think 7-11) half a block away. He jumps in his car and speeds out to the store. When he pulls back into the parking lot he is followed by a squad car. The cops informed me when they come into the hotel to confirm he was a guest that he has several outstanding warrants and will be going away for tonight. Now the dilemma, do I call the girl and let her know? Nope, I figure if she is worried about him she will call or come to the desk. She didn't.
So this will be an experiment. I just read an article over at Fade to Numb about search results linking to your blog. I always knew about this but now... I'll play with it. I have seen some dozzies on my site meter, but I thought I word throw up a few choice words to see what happens next.

Most popular searches according to technorati are: Karl Rove, allofmp3, al gore, rove, mother's day, Iran, DA vinci code, boing boing, nsa, mission impossible.

OK now a few others: Paris Hilton nude, sex tape, Pamela Anderson, family guy, masturbating, babe and juggs.

That should be enough lets see what happens next?


Wish I had known this before I bought that engagment ring! Posted by Picasa


Judge Orders San Diego to Remove Cross: "Judge Orders San Diego to Remove Cross

The Associated Press
Thursday, May 4, 2006; 8:17 AM

SAN DIEGO -- After a 17-year legal battle between the city and a self-described atheist, a judge has ordered San Diego officials to remove a giant cross from a hilltop park or start paying $5,000 a day in fines."

Nothing witty or funny to say to this, it's just WRONG!


Teacher in student-sex case arrested on probation violation, officials say - Nashville, Tennessee - Wednesday, 04/12/06 - Tennessean.com: "Teacher in student-sex case arrested on probation violation, officials say"

Do you want to know what she did, well go here and find out. (May not be safe for work)
Bush challenges hundreds of laws - The Boston Globe: "President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of the Constitution."